The Fourth Trimester


What happens when you become a parent? Do you suddenly, magically know what to do as soon as you bring a child into this world? Does your relationship with your spouse change, for better or for worse?


And what happens to your sense of self?


Those are the questions playwright Faith Ng addresses in The Fourth Trimester, directed by Claire Wong. This theatrical masterpiece is the highlight of Checkpoint Theatre’s 20th Anniversary Season.


In a day and age where people in Singapore are constantly pressured to achieve an “ideal” set by societal norms, this play tackles the beauty and pains of parenthood, adulthood, and what it means to be happy.


Inspired by the honesty and sensitivity with which Checkpoint Theatre confronts these matters, The Everyday People presents a brand new interview series that shines light on the people who work tirelessly to bring this original play in front of an audience.

<strong>Oon Shu An: Embodying the Role of a Single, Independent Woman in New Play</strong>

"Society puts a huge pressure on us to be attached to someone, to want children and to reach other societal…

3 years ago

<strong>The Fourth Trimester: Behind the Scenes of the Powerful New Play by Checkpoint Theatre</strong>

We take a look at the weeks and months of rehearsals that went into bringing Faith Ng’s latest play on…

3 years ago

<strong>Al-Matin Yatim: Actor Dives Deep Into the Character of a Husband Yearning to be Father</strong>

"I hope audiences who watch 'The Fourth Trimester' will have more empathy and compassion for others. Stop putting pressure on…

3 years ago

<strong>Hang Qian Chou: Actor Discusses the Role of a Husband and Father in New Play</strong>

"I think it’s important to tell this story because often, once children come into the picture, especially in a city…

3 years ago

<strong>Joshua Lim: Actor Sheds Light on Often Overlooked Struggles of First-Time Dads in New Play</strong>

"With stories like 'The Fourth Trimester' painting a very realistic picture of parenthood, I hope more people understand that dads…

3 years ago

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