“Andrew Lloyd Webber’s acclaimed musical The Phantom Of The Opera makes a thrilling stop in Singapore in May 2025. This haunting love story stars Jonathan Roxmouth as the Phantom, with Christine played by Grace Roberts.
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On 14 January 2025, Mandai Wildlife Reserve opened its new boardwalk to the public, and…
"Choke Clinch Crank Combat is not just about martial arts; it’s about people. People have…
14 February 2025: Who says romance is only reserved for Valentine's Day? Here are ideas…
Humans of Sentosa | "Just remember that you are not less than anybody. Know that…
29 – 30 January 2025: It's the Year of the Snake! Here's a guide to…
25 January 2025: Returning to Aliwal Arts Centre, the festival brings urban art, street culture,…
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