Category: ActivistsPage 4 of 4

Humans of ISCOS: Devan 

Don’t volunteer for the sake of volunteering; volunteer with commitment and heart. Just know that the universe works in funny ways. The more you give, the more you will get. Stick to this belief and volunteer work won’t be a hassle.

National Day 2018: 53 Heartwarming Pictures of Kindness that Make You Proud to Call Singapore Home

Kurt Ganapathy follows different groups of volunteers as they carry out selfless acts of kindness to bring you these lovely images that commemorate Singapore turning 53. Happy National Day!

Humans of ISCOS: Brian Kang

I think being genuine is the most important thing in my line of work. It’s not just what you say, but how you say it. If the way you express yourself makes the ex-offender feel comfortable, he or she will find it easier to trust you.

Humans of ISCOS: Michelle Cheong

If you’re concerned about labels or stigma when working with children of ex-offenders, get to know the person first before passing any judgement. If I could play a part to help stop intergenerational offending, I would try my best to do so.

Humans of ISCOS: Elvis Overee

When an ex-offender changes for the better, we’re helping his family. When he gets a job, he will also contribute to the workforce and economic success of the country. So it’s not just a job; we need to believe what we’re doing actually makes a difference.

Save That Pen: Championing the Environment by Reducing Pen Waste in Singapore

Save That Pen has been reducing Singapore’s carbon footprint, one pen at a time. We find out more from three of its founding members.