Kicking off this year’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Pink Ribbon Walk 2018 took place at the Singapore Sports Hub on 6 October.
It brought together a diverse cross-section of Singaporeans and Singapore residents – more than 4,000 in all according registration figures.
With Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office – and Breast Cancer Foundation Patron – Indranee Rajah in attendance (not to mention a full cast of Star Wars characters), about 1,900 people participated in a mass dance prior to the walk.
The multicultural dance, dubbed the Pink Ribbon Groove, was led by breast cancer survivors and their caregivers along with volunteers and organisers.
That number, 1,900, represents the number of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer in Singapore each year. In fact, one in every 14 women here will face a battle with the disease before they turn 75.
And still, according to 2016 figures from the Health Promotion Board, less than half of women between the ages of 50 and 69 had been screened for breast cancer in the preceding two years. That’s why Breast Cancer Awareness Month is as important as ever.
The theme for this year’s Pink Ribbon Walk was “Every Woman Matters”, but on the backs of participants’ T-shirts, it was cleverly stylised as “Every (Wo)man Matters”.
Indeed, if there’s one thing you leave with after attending the walk – apart from a sense of solidarity and memories of countless smiles – it’s the knowledge that the fight against breast cancer is a fight we’re all in together.
For more information, visit the Breast Cancer Foundation website here.
Photos by: Kurt Ganapathy
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