Kurt Ganapathy heads out to the streets of Singapore with a camera in hand to capture life as we know it during this COVID-19 season.
As coronavirus spreads around the world, images of abandoned spaces, panic buying and exhausted medical professionals have become the norm.
But together with these pictures have come stories of humanity, perseverance and, as Singaporeans like to call it, kampung spirit.
Singapore was hit early on, with its first case reported on January 23, and the number of cases in the country has risen steadily since then.
But, by and large, we’ve rolled with the punches, supported the fight against the virus and cheered good news whenever it’s come in.
And while people in Singapore are taking extra precautions and playing it smart wherever possible (wash your hands and don’t touch your face!), that doesn’t mean we’re living in a climate of fear.
As Kurt Ganapathy found heading out to the city centre and Changi Airport, it’s very much a case of business (almost) as usual as people walk on with quiet resolve.

Photography: Kurt Ganapathy
Curation: Arman Shah
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