Category: Arts and CulturePage 2 of 4

Jeff Lai: Finding Joy in Sketching Portraits of Strangers in Public

“I decided to sketch strangers as a hobby because I wanted to see their reaction when I gave the drawing to them. With paid work, the client already knows what to expect, and I more or less know how they might react. There’s no element of surprise. But with strangers?”

Yiming: Wildly Talented Ink Artist on Balancing Art with Medical School

“When I got into medical school, I did a lot of soul-searching and concluded that art is something I want to do long-term. It would be nice if I was able to practise as a doctor, but also have the balls to call myself an artist. That was the ultimate aspiration; the ultimate goal.”

Jason Wee: Spreading the Love of Singapore Literature from the City Centre to the Heartlands

“What I really like doing, especially through ‘Textures’, is to develop the relationship between parent and child through reading. Nighttime reading is something I personally enjoyed and miss doing with my son, although we don’t do it anymore because he’s already grown up.”

Zaihar: Dancer Shows Youths Anything is Possible with Hard Work

“You know, there’s this stereotype that Malays are lazy. So, when I get selected by key figures in the dance industry to represent Singapore at international competitions, I am very proud to show that Singaporeans can make it. It makes me prouder to be Malay as well.”

Calleen Koh: Award-Winning Filmmaker Talks About Boldness in Covering Themes of Sex in Conservative Singapore

“My latest work, ‘To Kill The Birds & The Bees’, is a satirical slice of life film that talks about sex education – or lack thereof – in Singapore. It follows the crazy sexual encounters of four Singaporeans and how they unfold.”

Oon Shu An: Embodying the Role of a Single, Independent Woman in New Play

“Society puts a huge pressure on us to be attached to someone, to want children and to reach other societal milestones. Ann is wondering: ‘Do I really want that? And on what terms do I want that? Is it possible to find what you want, and what does it require of our partners?’”

The Fourth Trimester: Behind the Scenes of the Powerful New Play by Checkpoint Theatre

We take a look at the weeks and months of rehearsals that went into bringing Faith Ng’s latest play on adulthood, parenthood, and what it means to be happy in contemporary Singapore, live on stage.

Al-Matin Yatim: Actor Dives Deep Into the Character of a Husband Yearning to be Father

“I hope audiences who watch ‘The Fourth Trimester’ will have more empathy and compassion for others. Stop putting pressure on and asking people when they’re going to have kids. It’s such a sensitive question…”

Rusydina Afiqah: Actor Gives a Voice to The Difficulties of Starting a Family in New Play

“And to everyone who’s watching this play, I hope you come to realise that it’s okay if your life is turning out differently from what you thought it would be. If you want to remain unmarried until the age of 35, so be it. Don’t want kids? That doesn’t make you any less normal. Go write your own story.”

Hang Qian Chou: Actor Discusses the Role of a Husband and Father in New Play

“I think it’s important to tell this story because often, once children come into the picture, especially in a city as stressful as Singapore, everything becomes about them and whether you, as parents, have enough to provide for them. If we neglect that relationship, then problems may arise and eat into how we feel about parenthood.”

Julie Wee: Actor Embraces the Challenges of Playing a Stay-At-Home Mum

“What convinced me to take up this role were the many cultural touchpoints that I very much identify with. Faith talks about our struggles with work-life balance, societal and self-imposed pressures, and the gender roles that we conform to or rail against.”

Joshua Lim: Actor Sheds Light on Often Overlooked Struggles of First-Time Dads in New Play

“With stories like ‘The Fourth Trimester’ painting a very realistic picture of parenthood, I hope more people understand that dads need help and support too. And if you’re a dad who may not be doing that much right now, I hope this play reminds you that parenting is a team effort!”

Isabella Chiam: The Actor Gets Candid About the Emotionally Demanding Role of Playing a First-Time Mum

“When the audience watches ‘The Fourth Trimester’, I hope they understand that at the end of the day, it’s not about embodying or being an  ‘ideal’. We shouldn’t be so dogged by the idea of perfection that we lose what it means to be in the present.”

Faith Ng: Harsh Truths of First-Time Parenthood Inspired Young Mother’s Latest Play

“So it always comes back to the same question of ‘Are you happy?’ And what does it even mean to be happy? Does it even matter? Because it’s really hard to be happy in Singapore. There are so many expectations and it’s all very heartbreaking.”

Vikneshwaran Silva: Singaporean Director Makes Award-Winning Film About the Life of an Indian Migrant Worker

“You can’t stop doing what you love because it’s hard or because you keep getting rejected. Keep on doing it. If you work hard enough and show persistence towards your craft, it’s just a matter of time before you get recognised.”

The Punkhawala and the Prostitute | Singapore Literature Review

Wesley Leon Aroozoo pays tribute to Singapore’s unsung immigrants who helped make Singapore the global trading port and maritime powerhouse it is today.

ZERO: Using Street Art as a Platform for Change

The Singaporean artist who does graffiti, street art and murals talks about the hidden meaning behind his works and being an agent of change.

Darren Soh: Singaporean Photographer Shares His Passion for Documenting Old Buildings Before They’re Gone Forever

The architectural photographer shares his thoughts on Singapore’s ever-changing urban landscape, the importance of conservation, his photo book that celebrates the 60th anniversary of the Housing Development Board and his exhibition in Berlin. 

Anthony Chen: The Singaporean Filmmaker on Never Selling Out and Overcoming an Existential Crisis During the Pandemic

Renowned for films like “Ilo Ilo” and “Wet Season”, Anthony Chen talks why he can and only will tell stories that are personal to him. 

Weish: The Singaporean Musician, Composer and Writer on Finding Her Voice Amidst a Pandemic

In Part 1 of ‘People of the Arts: Stories from Singapore to Germany’, Weish talks about finding her voice through theatre in these dire times.